Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jewelry Gift Box Logo Design

I do a lot of different manual crafts, like jewelry and sewing, and with my recent venture into jewelry, I was looking at my trusty source of Rio Grande, which I've trusted for my metal work for years.  When looking into boxes, I found that you could customize the box for a cost with a personalized logo in foil stamping, making a custom die and everything.  The directions suggest using thick lines, not thin ones, as they show up better, and said it has to be black and white only, no gradients or color.  Since this was the case, I decided to use the font I'd chosen for my logo and wrote out the words in that font, then took the logo and simplified it, taking out the letters and making the face a solid color.  Artwork & Jewelry by Stephanie Beauvais was added on the bottom in the end, and I seriously debated whether or not to include a email, but when tested, it turned out too thin, making it doubtful that it'd turn out well on the product.  I placed the image on a stock photo of their box found on their site to try and see what it'd look like, mimicking the blue foil they show in the example with my logo.

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