Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Storm's Coming

So I was playing around with that space scene from the comets and thinking about Star Trek (yes, complete geek moment) and warp speed stars LOL so I played around with radial blur, then thought it didn't have enough, so I did another layer and made it larger and rotated it.  Well after I did this once more, I realized...it looked like rain falling.  So, being the nifty thinker I am (sometimes) I went and found a city scene (as my photograph of the Renaissance Center I took like the one above was apparently missing, and possibly deleted due to a computer crash) and played with it.  I wanted the sky to look dark and gloomy for the most part, but with the tail end of the nice bright scene leaving as the shadows creep in on the towering skyscrapers!  (Queue dramatic music here!)  So through shadows, many color layers, and my nifty rain layer being blended using blending options, I now have a beautiful rain scene in the city!  I was challenged, though, to try and make the rain into a meteor shower!  I might have to try that or maybe make it into some creepy fiery rain or something wild like that.  Anyway, the closer version is below.

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