Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I do love making snowflakes.  I remember cutting them out when I was a kid, but never quite getting them to look nice (usually I ended up cutting the side that held it together! Ooops), so maybe this is my revenge for all the misshapen paper snowflakes of my childhood!  Seriously, though, I wanted to show how taking the Illustrator creation of the snowflake and applying it in Photoshop could create a snow storm, so to speak.  You take one, resize and move it repeatedly until you fill the screen.  You can then take those, merge them, and rotate/resize those as well.  You take the other layers of snowflakes, however, and lower the opacity so it gives it depth, also erasing any overlapping ones that look wrong.  Finally, you take the layers, merge them into a flat layer, and duplicate it.  Take the bottom one of the two and apply a motion blur and play with the settings until you get your desired appearance.  Don't forget to change the degrees!  Anyway, I liked how it came out and thought I'd make it into a board where you can see the individual snowflake and how it can be made into a snow fall.  Mind you, the outlines come of before you make the snow.

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