Monday, January 16, 2012

Decorative Cross

This is something that started, as an idea, back when my mother was trying to put a poem on a picture she'd found in memory of my grandmother that recently passed.  It had this terribly pixelated cross on it, but it was in pink.  My grandmother's favorite color was pink.  As such, I decided to take my little decorative lines I like to do and make a cross out of it, perhaps in her memory, in my own way.  I started, of course, in Illustrator with many, many lines and many, many duplicate rotation actions.  All in all, I think it turned out well.  After that, I took it to Photoshop, where I made two layers of the cross, the center lightly taken out of one, and the other far more taken out (using masks).  This gave me a great way to make the center seem more bright than it did before.  With a light fading mask on the center of the top cross, the bottom one, when made bright pink in Hue/Saturation, seems to be on the verge of bursting with light in the center and toning down into the darker pink/purplish colors.

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