Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Falcon Motorsports = Amazing

Falcon Motorsports had one entry for the Auto Show, and that's really all they needed, because this one was absolutely impressive.  With a price tag of $125k, it was worth the fifteen pictures I sat there and took to get some nice, useable pictures.

The composition is made using a photograph I took at the auto show, though one of many, and outlining it in Illustrator due to the more accurate pen tool.  After I outline the parts I want to copy, I take the outline to the photograph in Photoshop and copy/paste that section of the photo, getting rid of all the excess.  The colored background was made with crosshatched lines blended with colors in several layers using blending modes.  The text was made in Photoshop, a blended tri-color gradient over it, and a copy of the text was applied behind it with a strong motion blur in order to create the movement on each letter.  The windshield has reflections of light as well as the reflections of the background's colors using many layers of blending modes and masks.

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