Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lexus Concept Car

The Lexus area at the Auto Show had a great couple of cars showing off this year.  One was the LF-LC Hybrid.  It's a concept car that is made from a single block instead of being pieced together.  Strange right?

Anyway, this was made using two different pictures I took. The composition is made by outlining them in Illustrator due to the more accurate pen tool.  After I outline the parts I want to copy, I take the outline to the photographs in Photoshop and copy/paste that sections of the photo, getting rid of all the excess.  After that, a mask is applied to each layer and blending is accomplished using this noninvasive method, ensuring if a mistake is made it can be undone.  From there, the text is made in Photoshop and a gradient is applied.  The colors for the text are selected using the eyedropper tool and picking them from the car itself.

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