Monday, February 6, 2012

Eye of the Beholder

I'm actually completely unsure what spawned me to make this, but I guess I wondered if I could make an eyeball from scratch.  It's not in 3DS Max, only Photoshop and Illustrator.  I used blending modes to help mix the layers, filters to create the sphere look of the knife in the eye, smudging to make the burst in the iris, a low opacity paintbrush to do the veins, and finally the most difficult part was the lighting glare that mimics the clear part overlaying the eyeball  (not the two white dots but the sheen from the left).  The knife has blood on it, which are actually from a paintbrush, and a spherize filter to make it bubble like it's on a curve reflection.  Anyway, this is my first attempt at an eye, but I think it was fairly successful.

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