Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Adventure Park

An aerial obstacle course and zip line company called The Adventure Park is a new addiction for me. When they decided to have a design competition for shirts I jumped at the chance. The entries done well were pretty much the same plain design, so sticking to something simple just wasn't going to catch their eye at all. I would have to do something different to stand out. Well it took a while because I really did want to go with a more simple design, but I figured out something more colorful to enter. The rules for winning or even placing the contest were simple. .ai files with vector graphics. Simple enough, so this is what I did completely in Illustrator with a blue and orange color scheme, which I felt was an appropriate color palette for the outdoors without getting too plain and still retaining an effort to stand out. The trunk of the tree reads "Adventure in the Trees" although not plainly obvious, but rather subdued. No results have posted as of yet. 

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