So this is for the website for MLS. I created everything from scratch. Where to begin? Well the 6 graphics (portals to the different sections) took several, several remakes and brainstorming of the entire team to come up with, because some of the topics just seemed so lengthy on what they could be. We'll start clockwise. The Expedited Language Course was probably the most revised, changing from a very complicated graphics originally. It was originally created in Illustrator, then taken to Photoshop to embellish a bit on the colors and glow. The Topical studies was the easiest, as my first attempt was a winner with the whole team, completely done in Illustrator. Crypto Language Training took a couple remakes, but I finally ended up burning actual paper to make it look old and using blending options in Photoshop to age it a bit more. I used odd characters to make lines of unreadable text, then copied in Photoshop the circle behind the Illustrator-made magnifying glass and applied spherize to it. Refresher Training is actually animated using Photoshop, but was relatively easy once I made a tablet to put it on. Custom Language Training was simple. It has the flags from some of the countries representing the languages, and then the languages around the outside circle. Most of it was made using Photoshop (including the spherize filter to give the flags a bulged look) except the outside ring and title banner on the bottom. Languages Acquisition & Sustainment Continuum (LASC) was redone a few times. Finally I created the world, which actually animates and turns, was made in 3DS Max. I put it in the arrows and used inner shadow to make the depth on the sides of the world under the arrows. On the left bar is a graphic I made individual graphics to create, Illustrated below. I reused the world (because it was worth it lol) and the tablet, placing a graphic from one of the games we'd made on it. I made the mouse look like the one I use (even the blue glow!) and took the books I'd made for one of the games to place on it. Even though it can't be seen very well, the ink the pen has written was actually written on my tablet and put into perspective with an ink splotch. I was pretty happy with how all of these turned out. They were pretty important, and the second big landmark for my new job. Enjoy!